Starting an Undergraduate Research Team With I2 Labs
This document outlines a rough process for undergraduate leaders to begin and grow a team of undergraduate researchers with Interactive Intelligence Labs. The goal of forming an I2 Labs team is to study how machine learning can become humanly intelligent. Research projects are open ended with this vision in mind, and often weave literature from neuroscience and psychology to found their ideas and exploration.
Take a look at the broad timeline of team formation below.
- Don’t get overwhelmed! If you follow the Checklists and make use of the templates, it will be a breeze
Proceed to the Getting Started Checklist to get started right away! [I2 Labs] Getting Started Checklist
Once you have completed the Getting Started Checklist to your satisfaction, go to [I2 Labs] Starting a Project to begin researching with your team.
- If you have already begun researching, then update your team’s profile on with your research accomplishments, specialties, interests and future directions in order to connect your team with researchers and other teams!
I2 Labs Team Timeline Overview
Quarters / Terms System
- Posters
- Club fairs
- Announcements in classes and online forums
- Word of mouth
Onboard new members
- Run I2 intro to Neuro/AI sessions and make small projects and goals
Learn and explore through journal clubs
Create research questions
Propose and brainstorm ideas
Dig into existing literature regarding those topics in parallel teams and present findings
- Emphasize literature review within teams!
Form project teams within club
- Weekly project meetings for each group
Set goals for which journals, conferences, or forms of presenting work to aim for
(Optional) Mini recruiting push, club fairs etc…
Learn and explore through journal clubs
- Deep dive into specific topics relevant to projects
Read more papers, think about specifics about how to make your own paper
Begin coding and/or creating
- Find smaller tasks to give to newer members to build programming skills
Continue research from Winter, attempt to get some publishable work done
Begin summarizing, writing, and publishing findings
Team building activities!
- Soccer
- Team picnics
- Continue writing, publishing
- Attend conferences
- Continue to develop projects if still unfinished
Semester System
- Posters
- Club fairs
- Announcements in classes and online forums
- Word of mouth
Onboard new members
- Run I2 Intro to Neuro/AI sessions sessions and make small projects and goals
Learn and explore through journal clubs
Create research questions
Propose and brainstorm ideas
Dig into existing literature regarding those topics in parallel teams and present findings
- Emphasize literature review within teams!
Form project teams within club
- Weekly project meetings for each group
Set goals for which journals, conferences, or forms of presenting work to aim for
Begin coding and/or creating
- Find smaller tasks to give to newer members to build programming skills
Read more papers, think about specifics about how to make your own paper
Continue research from Fall/Winter
Continue to read relevant papers about project topics
Learn and explore through journal clubs
- Deep dive into specific topics relevant to projects
Begin summarizing, writing, and publishing findings
Team building activities
- Soccer
- Team picnics
- Continue writing, publishing
- Attend conferences
- Continue to develop projects if still unfinished